Our AI Approach

We received questions about our AI philosophy and how we responsibly integrate AI into education. This page is intended for teachers, schools, and parents who want to know more about how we use AI at YouCademy.

1. How We Protect User Data

Products like ChatGPT (and the thousands of other tools that students use) do not protect student data. The hidden costs of these products are that all the information students input (including personal information or sensitive questions) is used by AI companies to train new AI models. Just like with well-known social media, the real 'price' of these AI companies is your data.

What makes YouCademy unique is that we conduct many analyses in-house. This means we process incoming data on protected servers and often do not need to share this raw data with other service providers. The data we share, for example, to create personalized lesson materials, is anonymized and can never be traced back to individuals or institutions. To further protect even this anonymized data, we have signed contracts with the largest parties in the world (OpenAI, Google) that ensure this data remains private. Furthermore, we will never sell the data, and it is not used by these service providers to train new AI models.

This is a brief summary; for more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

2. How We Ensure Responsible AI Use

AI products like ChatGPT are already being intensively used by students. However, unregulated AI use by students carries the risk that they simply receive answers, thereby significantly diminishing their ability to think critically and learn overall. We ensure that schools, teachers, and students can use AI as a learning tool that actually enhances critical thinking skills. Our AI tools emphasize the learning process and challenge students to learn and come up with answers with appropriate assistance.

3. AI to Assist Teachers, Not Replace Them

With YouCademy, teachers can expand and personalize their lessons with AI. This way, they don't have to feel like they are competing with AI. AI can never take over a teacher's role; anyone who thinks so makes the mistake of believing that a teacher's role is merely to convey information. Teachers are important for so much more than that. With YouCademy, teachers can automate time-consuming preparatory tasks, allowing them to spend more time where they make a real difference: in direct contact with students.